nothing fishy vitamin D3

Vitamin D is good for our immune systems, and also helps to absorb calcium and phosphate (for healthy bones and teeth) and to help grow and develop strong muscles. It’s a fat-soluble vitamin, so good to consume alongside foods with fat (like nuts or seeds) or with omega-3 fatty acid supplements.

Before taking supplements, check with GP if pregnant/nursing or you have medical conditions or are taking medication (many people cannot take vitamin D). Keep supplements away from young children & pets.

nothing fishy vitamin D3

Nothing Fishy Vitamin D3 Supplement (use code ENGNF15 for 15% off first purchase) offers a plant-based alternative supplement, sold in a glass jar with with refills in cardboard packaging. Derived from sustainably-sourced algae, farmed in pools of salt water.

Although vitamin D2 supplements are vegan, modern science suggests that vitamin D3 (the kind that your body absorbs in the sun) is better. But most brands contain lanolin (sheep fat). So look for vitamin D3 supplements that are vegan-friendly (usually made from lichen).

Light-skinned people often can get enough vitamin D in summer by exposing skin to the sunlight for 30 minutes each day, but people with darker skin may need more time in the sun to benefit (as will people who cover their skin, such as women of certain religions). Read how to stay safe in the sun naturally.

vitamin D3 supplements in tins (with refills)

dr vegan vitamin D3

Dr Vegan offers award-winning plant-based vitamin D supplements in zero-waste refill pouches, and a metal storage tin on your first order.

what are the best foods for vitamin D?

Chestnut mushrooms contain vitamin D, as do some fortified foods like plant milks and fruit juices. But overall, you’re best getting it from sunshine and/or a vitamin D3 supplement (which can be included in a multi-supplement).

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