red campions Gill Wild

Gill Wild

Homeopathy is often touted as ‘nonsense’ by conventional medicine. Used for both people and pets, it’s safer than herbal medicine because as there are no side effects (it’s basically water). But the medical mind behind it was a trained doctor, and many people have found that they (or their pets or barnyard friends) have healed, when nothing else has worked. This is not to say to never use orthodox medicine. But as there are a lot of quacks out there, here are some useful resources if you decide to go down this route. Note that most homeopathy medicine is plant-based but some is note (a few remedies use bee stings or even the ‘spit from rabid dogs’). So do be careful where you buy medicines from, before purchase. Do your research, and don’t be frightened to ask questions!

Homeopathy UK has a website to find a qualified homeopath and you can also find information on how to treat various conditions. The Society of Homeopaths lets you search by location for a registered professional homeopath who is well-trained, registered and insured.

Claire Gardener Homeopathy is proof that homeopaths can offer plant-based remedies in sustainable packaging. If she can do it, so can the others.

Dr Jonathan Hardy is a medical homeopath (and former zoologist) who proves that proper homeopaths are not ‘quacks’. This highly trained practitioner has lots of information on his site on how homeopathy works, who switched from studying medicine after he (and his supervisor – a known professor or respiratory medicine) were amazed by their experimental results).

homeopathic remedies for children 

Homeopathy & Natural Remedies for Children is a ‘runaway bestseller’ book by a homeopath who has treated many common childhood ailments over the years. Her site also offers plenty of information and courses, distilledf rom 17 years experience. Read one patient’s story of how she recovered from a near-fatal brain injury, healed with homeopathic medicine.

homeopathic remedies for pets

Homeopet is a reputable brand of remedies that has been around since the 70s, created by an Irish homeopathic vet. They have (in most cases) no side effects (always talk to your vet before administering). Tackling every ailment (including pet pee accidents for older pets), these are sold in vet clinics worldwide.

The remedies are FDA-regulated and peer-reviewed through research papers. Read FAQ for full safety answers (in rare cases, the tiny amount of preserving alcohol should sit in food for 20 minutes before giving to sensitive pets, and be dosed into fresh drinking water for very small birds and animals). 

homeopathic remedies for barnyard friends 

Homeopathy at Wellie Level is the place to go if you’re a farmer. These highly-trained veterinary homeopaths offer wonderful courses and are endorsed by vets, and have many happy farmers who have managed to heal mastitis and other illnesses in cattle (also read how to help heal TB in badgers and cattle).

The site offers in-person and online courses plus resources and testimonials. Farmers report being able to reduce antibiotic use on farms, reducing animal stress and vet bills, and helping towards organic certification. It also offers online booklets for everything from sheep to udder problems.

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