super ocean weekend

Super Ocean Weekend teaches children the science of oceanography, in the form of a nonfiction graphic novel. Join four friends to discover what goes on in the depth of the oceans, along with the importance of taking care of the seas to help them.

Discover how tides and waves work, why fish swim in schools and why some underwater creatures glow in the dark. Children will also learn about whales, sharks and coral reefs. Gaëlle Alméras adores art and science, and writes and illustrates books to teach children about the natural world.

a book to teach children about coral reefs

tiny floating coral

Tiny Floating Coral is a beautiful science-based picture book with a giant fold-out map to tell the fascinating story of coral (tiny animals that create vast underwater cities where many sea creatures live, feed, hide and bring up their young). The story progresses from a tiny coral planula floating in a soup of plankton, to become part of the Great Barrier Reef, the largest coral reef in the world.

interview with a shark (and other ocean giants)

interview with a shark

Interview with a Shark (and other ocean giants) is a fun book to teach children about 10 marine creatures, using a questiona-and-answer format. This fun book introduces children to other friends like a blue whale, orca (killer whale), sunfish, giant squid, narwhal, manta ray, octopus, conger eel and angler fish. Includes tips on how to help marine endangered species.

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