Badgers belong to a fur-bearing carnivore mammal group called mustelids. The others resident in England include weasels, stoats, otters, pine martens and mink (not-native, they were first wild due to escaping from being trapped for the fur industry). Although minks do eat endangered water voles, the main ways to help is to follow the countryside code (to avoid disturbance) and conserve water (this helps to keep their natural habitats wet). For advice for farmers, read more on how to help save endangered water voles.
The other main harm to badgers is traffic, with a fifth of all badgers dying on our roads each year, so drive safely (or join a car-club or go car-free) and gift your town planner a copy of a book on road ecology.
Don’t encourage badgers to your garden with food. It takes them away from native areas and encourages them to come into contact with people who don’t like them and dogs. And means they come to rely on you, dangerous if you got ill, moved away or died. If you find an injured badger, contact your local wildlife rescue.
why the badger cull is bad science (and cruel)
Badgers have suffered greatly in recent years due to bad science and biased politics, meaning thousands have been culled, due to the false belief they are responsible for cattle TB (an awful disease for both cows and farmers). The truth is more complicated.
All experts say cattle-to-cattle transmission and modern farming methods are the main cause, and solving these (along with badger vaccination that is kinder, quicker and cheaper) is key. Homeopathy at Wellie Level is run by qualified homeopaths, and offers courses to help prevent many diseases in cattle and other barnyard friends.
organic tees & totes to help badgers
Teemill is a wonderful company (created by Isle of Wight fashion company Rapanui) that allows non-profits to raise funds by printing organic cotton clothing (made with green energy) then sent direct in zero waste packaging. It’s kind of like drop-shipping but for small charities. Here is clothing you can buy, with profits helping small badger welfare charities like this orange badger t-shirt.
This tote bag helps show your love for badgers, while replacing plastic bags. Made from organic cotton, it’s ideal for your grocery shop or just walking around town. Proceeds help to support the conservation and protection of all native wildlife.
a beautiful book about badgers
Badger (encounters in the wild) is a book by Scotland’s renowned nature writer, who with passion and vision, relives memorable encounters with one of our best-loved creatures, offering intimate insights into their extraordinary lives.
Suddenly the boar’s face was back, peering up from almost ground level beneath the lowest sweep of the spruce branches. Almost at once, the sow was right beside him. Then came the cubs. For perhaps ten seconds (no more), all four faces gleamed garishly out of the forest at me. In all my badger encounters, nothing has charmed me so utterly as those ten seconds.