five star love Rosiemadeathing

Rosie made a thing

14th February is Valentine’s Day. Go to any gift shop, florist or supermarket and you’ll be swamped by plastic-wrapped gifts and factory-farmed milk chocolates to ‘celebrate your love’. Let’s look at the history of Valentine’s Day, and explore some greener methods to celebrate your love!

who was St. Valentine?

St. Valentine was a priest who (like Jesus Christ) was able to heal people by laying his hands on them. When he defended the Christians of Rome and refused to deny Christ, he was stoned and beheaded on 14 February back in the 3rd century. Not just for love, he’s also the patron saint of epilepsy (and bee-keepers). The history is a bit murky as it was so long ago, some scholars say there was more than one St Valentine. Others say he had no connection with romance, that was due to Chaucer linking him with ‘courtly love traditions’ in a poem, back in 1375.

world love songs Putumayo

Putumayo offers lovely downloadable music compilations, or you can buy physical CD with album notes. This features 10 romantic songs from around the world, to share with someone you love. You can listen to samples online before you buy.

Don’t waste trees to send Valentine’s cards. Rose & Daff offer lovely greetings cards, all printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper. Don’t send ‘plantable cards’ to homes with pets, as wildflowers are unsafe near animal friends.

a bottle of organic sustainable perfume

Jones Modha perfume

Organic perfume or cologne is always a nice gift. And you’re supporting homegrown artisans at the same time. Give alongside a nice piece of recycled jewellery, made from reclaimed silver or gold, rather than mine for new metals.

Avoid for pregnancy/breastfeeding and never spray near babies/pets (nor use cocoa solid perfumes in case they lick your skin). Don’t wear perfume, if pets sleep on your beds. 

romantic plant-based chocolates

Luisa's vegan heart chocolates

Luisa’s Vegan Chocolates (Nottingham) offer some of the most ethical choccy gifts in England. Everything is vegan, Fair Trade and free from palm oil. Keep chocolate away from pets (use a letterbox guard for delivery)

Handmade from bean to bar, this box of 12 chocolates includes white and dark raspberry, Sicilian orange, vegan honeycomb and casholate (cashew milk).

a bunch of organic sustainable flowers

the rose


Rather than buy a bouquet from the supermarket or petrol station (which arrive off long-haul flights covered in chemicals, feeling a bit the same as you would). Support indie florists that grow seasonal organic bouquets with no plastic packaging – good for the earth and supports local jobs:

Learn of flowers to avoid near pets (all bulbs are toxic). Never face indoor foliage to gardens, to help stop birds flying into windows

  1. Organic Blooms (based near Bristol) sells locally grown organic flowers, in bouquets or buckets.
  2. Flowers From the Farm lists local indie floriests who grow artisan blooms – loved by bees and you!
  3. Common Farm Flowers (Somerset) sells local flowers for weddings, to create your floral arrangements (and offers workshops). For collection only, these flowers are locally grown and seasonal, so not available in winter.

a plant-based dinner for two

vegan love book


Make a nice homemade meal for two with kind plant-based ingredients. No waste and less washing up too!

no Valentine? how to heal a broken heart

Live Alone and Like It is an update of a classic book by a magazine editor back in the 30s. Most of the information does not need updating, and it makes wonderful bedtime reading if you’re feeling a bit lonesome, or have just been dumped. Selling over 100,000 copies in the first two months when it was originally published, this is a wise and witty guide.

Also read How to Mend a Broken Heart by a woman who used knowledge from her best friend (a neuroscientist) to look at how the brain copes with break-ups, and how to use this science knowledge to help you recover and move on.

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