Truro colour cove art

Colour Cove Art

Truro is Cornwall’s only city (the name stands for ‘three rivers’) and situated just 9 miles from the coast. Surrounded by much beautiful parkland, it has beautiful walking trails and lovely gardens, plus in 2018 it becamse the first city to gain plastic-free approved status. Clean-ups happen regularly with volunteers picking up litter all over the city. Many local cafes and restaurants offer free tap water refills and there are plans to introduce restrictions on traffic in one of the main street, so the streets are made primarily for walkers and cyclists, leaving access for blue badge holders, public transport and emergency vehicles.

The local market is also plastic-free and has influenced Falmouth to also have a plastic-free market, both selling local food and drink, offering food in biodegradable packaging with refills if possible. Named by an online estate agent as one of the greenest places to live, it also has its own Transition Town, to help the area become resilient (not having to rely on oil to survive). The site has a list of its own hard-to-recycle outlets throughout the city (from electronics to toothpaste tubes to spectacles and writing instruments).

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