This vegan beetroot chocolate cake (Rainbow Nourishments) is a US-inspired ‘red velvet’ cake recipe with a little kick from espresso powder. Made with oil (no butter needed), this is decorated with whipped vegan cream or melted chocolate ganache, or both if you’re feeling decadent. You can use precooked beetroots for this recipe (find at markets).
Beetroot contains oxalates, so speak to GP before taking if you have kidney stones or blood pressure issues. Beets also (temporarily) turn your pee pink! Read more on food safety for people & pets.
How to Buy & Store Beetroot
Cut the stalks and leave the root at the bottom (no need to peel) and they do take a couple of hours baking at least (in a lidded casserole with a little water). You can also grate raw beetroot into salad, and use the salad leaves to garnish.
Fresh beetroot keeps for a few weeks in a cool dark place (it’s in season from July to January) and if you do freeze it, boil or steam first, cool and then pop into sealed containers. Defrost it overnight in the fridge (not at room temperature).
Beetroot & Mushroom Bolognese Recipe
This lovely beet & mushroom bolognese (The First Mess) calls for roasted beets (find them at greengrocers that sell them warm in the morning) with filling lentils. Use pasta in plastic-free packaging. Serve with plant-based Parmesan (conventional Parmesan contains calf rennet).
Hot Pink Beetroot Smoothie
Fed up of tropical mango? Then try this pink beetroot smoothie, full of earthy sweet flavours, and some citrus to balance.