Such nostalgia! Sunday night with Bullseye and Jim Bowen – homemade sandwiches, jaffa cakes and a cup of tea! But store-bought jaffa cakes contain factory-farmed ingredients, palm oil and a lot of plastic packaging.
These vegan jaffa cakes (The Veg Space) are easy to make with vegan orange jelly crystals, and dark/white chocolate to make ‘milk chocolate’ topping.
Read up on food safety for people & pets (many foods including citrus fruits are unsafe around animal friends). Just bin citrus rind as (along with rhubarb and allium scraps), acids could harm compost creatures.
Look in stores for Wibble vegan jelly crystals. You could even swap the flavours and make ‘forest fruits’ jaffa cakes! You can recycle soft plastic packaging at supermarket bag bins, if your council does not collect.
More Vegan Jaffa Cake Recipes
These vegan jaffa cakes (Domestic Gothess) coat a homemade sponge with a jelly made from orange juice and agar, then top with orange ‘milk’ chocolate.
This giant vegan jaffa cake (School Night Vegan) is sure to appeal. A soft vanilla sponge is soaked in orange syrup, then topped with orange jelly and chocolate ganache.