Paris Dolceloca


France is of course one of our nearest neighbours (just 20 miles or so over the water, you can even see the mainland on a clear day from Kent or Sussex). It’s not true that there no love lost, in fact we all get on fine, it’s the media that tries to whip up problems. See the end of this post for the real facts on the people risking their lives to cross the English channel, it’s not how the mass media report it. For now, here are a few things we can learn from the French!

French people love themselves! Forget going anorexic to look like girls in magazines, French women know they rock, whether they’re fat, thin, old or young. They focus on self-care and use good beauty products if they work, not to be slave to fashion magazines. Italian filmmaker Elena Rossini says that a 50-year old woman who likes herself is of no use to the ‘big beauty’ business, as they can’t make any money off her insecurities.

Drink more water (and a little wine). Like Italy, you won’t find drunks on the street in France. French women do sometimes smoke, but they also eat 3 meals a day, drink lots of water, only drink wine with meals, and walk everywhere, saving a patisserie treat for special occasions. There’s no secret to ‘why French women stay slim’. They don’t eat American-size muffins or bags of chips every day.

Lyon Henry Rivers

Henry Rivers

Dress up a little! France is quite a traditional society, where men expect women to make a little effort. Like it or not, a woman with greasy slicked-back hair lounging around in a food-stained tracksuit is not the done thing in France. Even if she goes to post a letter, a French lady will slap on lipstick, brush her hair and wear quality clothing that flatters her figure. Again, this is more for self-care, not to be a fashion victim of the mass media.

French people eat good bread. A French person would never go near our cotton-wool plastic-wrapped loaves. In France, bakers are not  allowed to take holidays at the same time. Treat yourself to a good loaf from an indie baker. If baking your own bread, keep fresh dough (and other toxic ingredients) away from pets. 

French people don’t waste food. In France, it’s ILLEGAL to throw out food! All edible food has to be donated if still in date, or you’ll be accosted by a gendarme with his baton! This law has been around since 2016, so why is our government taking so long to follow suit? It’s estimated that UK supermarkets throw away around 190 million meals a year, which could feed hungry people.

What not to learn from France. France remains one of 5 countries worldwide to still produce foie gras, a food that force-feeds geese or ducks, until their livers turn to pate. It’s still legal to sell in the UK, so boycott shops, restaurants and hotels that serve it.

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