This 5-minute spinach pear smoothie (The Natural Nurturer) is a simple blend of banana, cinnamon and vegan Greek yoghurt with ripe pears and spinach. Check medication before consuming lots of spinach.
Mash pears for young children & people with swallowing difficulties. Keep fruit pips/seeds away from pets. Read more on food safety for people & pets.
Pears are one of the most popular fruits in England, as long as you can find juicy ripe pears, and not rock-hard ones flown in from across the world. Packed with calcium, there are over 3000 varieties worldwide, but we are in danger of losing many varieties as our orchards are endangered. Pears are nutritious, but very low in calories.
Try to buy pears from farm shops, as most pears in supermarkets are frozen and chilled then sent from abroad, so are nothing like ripe juicy pears in season. They will be cheaper, and taste better!
Native to Asia, nevertheless we have lots of pear trees in community orchards. Alas, England’s second-oldest pear tree was recently chopped down, to make way for the disastrous HS2 project (we need life to slow down, not build high-speed trains). Based on other models, the project will not only do nothing to stop climate change, but kill around 22,000 native wildlife each year, once (and hopefully not if) built.
How to Buy, Store & Prepare Pears
Pears are in season from September to January, try to buy under-ripe as they bruise easily and continue to ripen at home. Conference pears are the most common and is good raw or cooked, as are comic pears. Store pears in a cool place. You can eat them raw or poach them in hot water (15 to 20 minutes) or even fry them.
Ginger Vegan Cheesecake with Poached Pears
Ginger Orange Cheesecake with Poached Pears (Rainbow Plant Life) combines ginger cookies and pecan nuts, with a rich cashew/coconut cream filling.
Pear Ginger Cake with Rosemary Caramel Sauce
This pear ginger cake (Chickpea magazine) is made with golden syrup and nutmeg, served with a rosemary caramel sauce. It keeps well so make in advance, and warm up leftovers or serve with afternoon tea.